Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Dancing Elephants: Palin Strikes Again

Did you watch the vice presidential debate? In the interest in not recapitulating the most non sequitur display of non-answers imaginable, I suggest you watch the real debate on you tube, or at and then catch the SNL Tina Fey parody.

Today, after her stunning victory of a mediocre performance at the debates, Palin launched another attack at the Obama camp. It was clear from the debate that Palin does not support negotiations with "terrorist states" without preconditions.

If, she had followed that line of reason, I would be inclined to say she had a real debatable question in her hot little hands.

But instead of taking the high road, she lays it in the gutter, casting doubt on his patriotism, instead of debating the issues. The fundamental statement the McCain-Palin ticket seem to be making is "He's not one of us." Why else would you attack Obama's patriotism and his Americanness, when there are plenty of real issues they could address such as the value of meeting with enemy nations without preconditions?

Nothing new, right? Republicans made the very same assertions were made against Michelle Obama when she said she was "really proud of her country" for the first time at a rally.

This time it has to do with the Senator's relationship to alleged terrorist sympathizer Bill Ayers.
Bill Ayers, was a founding member of the radical Weather Underground, which was involved in several bombings in the early 1970s, including attacks on the Pentagon and the Capitol.

Obama and Ayers, now a university professor, have met several times since 1995, when both worked with a non-profit group trying to raise funds for a school improvement project and a charitable foundation.

We see America as the greatest force for good in this world," Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, "Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

Obama sees America as imperfect, so he'd be willing to sacrifice it? Obama denounced Ayers actions. There is no formal relationship between the two. What exactly is the point of this line of debate? If it is to call Obama's character in question, Palin is going to have to do a whole lot more than prove that they served on the same board together, and once he held a house party for him ten years ago.

Why attack Obama on his patriotism, when it would be so much more salient to question him on foreign policy? It tinges on the the verge of something far nastier, something no one who supports senator Obama can even acknowledge for fear of alienating white voters, but is there, just as the blatant sexism in this race to the white house.

Now with all those white elephants dancing, doesn't it make for a darn good circus?

Shh. Let's not disturb them.

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